menda dah lepas..p ary ni baru nak cerita..
hari-hari lepas malas nak menaip..
minggu ni rajin pulak bila otak dah terlalu full
first of all..
saya nak berterima kasih for my parents
becoz they always behind me to support me in my study
and now i got my diploma...
yeaaahhhh jerit kuat-kuat
diploma in my hand
and now i'm continuing my study in degree
then to my sis that a lot help me in study..
my degree life without u..
hurmmm i'm dying...
tapi he still help me from far..
thanx a lot always give me strength..
kata-kata kekuatan yg selalu dtg dr awak,,
i'm will show my best in degree..
hidup di degree yg penuh kepenatan..
need more attention untuk belajar
becoz in one class had a big no of student
200++ study in one class..
big probem will occur..hahaha
oke dah2 xnak citer pasal degree..
nak citer pasal konvo..
my dad x dpt dtg coz sakit..
he sent my unce to attend my convo..
sodeh den..sobsob
but thanx to my buddies,,
dieyn,amir and amy becoz dtg jugak kan..
yeay happy!!!!
oke tatap lah pic konvo oke,,bye,,,,,
my sis and abg myrul dtg tyme amek jubah..
my uncle and his wife..tq
budak-budak pilah or we called it B Corner
my bodyguard..hahaha..sorry amir(suka pejam mata amek pic) and amy
my bff in diploma..congratz..
dpt masa konvo..bunga purple dr dieyn..yg bear+bunga from my uncle
take a picture for d group's B
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